Pinay Powerhouse 2021: Root to Rise
From mud to moon, the Pinay Powerhouse moves in solidarity through theme “Root to Rise.”
This year’s conference theme, “Root to Rise,” is the physical embodiment of the Pinay Powerhouse flourishing amidst the extraordinary challenges of our time. A term often used by yoga teachers, “Root to Rise” is wise instruction for living life. Grounding down requires one to establish a solid foundation before moving in any direction your body takes you. Whether it’s a yoga pose or oral argument before a judge, if one roots, one can cultivate the stability to rise to any challenge, with integrity and strength.
Of course, fundamental to this theme, is an acknowledgement of fierce reclamation — an honoring that embraces our innate truth and power as individuals a part of a collective movement, the Pinay Powerhouse. For flowers and trees do not bloom without the nourishment of Lola Earth, Lolo Sun and our ancestors who flow from the living waters. When we envision our roots as deeply connected, as sisters-in-law and lineage from the colonized islands known as the Philippines, we, as a collective sisterhood, can and will rise to overcome any obstacles and oppressions that come our way.
Therefore, “Root to Rise” is also a celebration of our inner power interwoven with our collective rising. Honoring the past conference themes to “Lift as You Climb,” declare “Pinays Now!” and “Shine On” in sisterhood, from mud to moon, the Pinay Powerhouse moves in solidarity through “Root to Rise.”
For more details, including registration and sponsorship opportunities, check us out at and follow us on Instagram @pinaypowerhouse
Website: Jamie Madriaga and Logo design: Mari Bandoma